Phone: 6226 3322 | Fax: 6100 9968 | Email info@dpsyass.com.au
10 Crago Street, Yass NSW 2582 | Postal: PO Box 5, Yass NSW 2582
House Construction
If you have recently purchased a block, or are looking to construct a house on an existing vacant block, there are some crucial steps you should follow to ensure a smooth development and construction process.
Firstly, it is recommended that you get a surveyor to undertake a detail and contour survey of the property. This survey locates all the existing structures on your property, defines your property boundary and generates the contours and topography of your block. These can be provided in a 3D digital format that you can pass on to an architect to assist them in designing your house and getting the best location within the block to minimise any site cut or fill that may be required.
Once you have got a satisfactory house design, you will need to apply for a development consent, and then a construction certificate, with your local Council. They will require copies of the house design, a site plan indicating where it will be located on your property, a BASIX certificate and other site specific information. We can assist with the detail and site plans required for this component.
Once you have been given a construction certificate to proceed with the works, it will be a condition of Council's consent for your house to be set out in the approved location by a registered surveyor. At this stage, we are generally engaged by the builder or owner/builder to carry out this work. We can provide various set out methods to suit what you and/or your builder require.
At the completion of your construction, we can undertake an identification survey to confirm the house has been built in the approved location, which will assist Council in issuing you a final occupancy certificate (see Buying/Selling Your House tab).
Yass Valley Council Development Application and Construction Certificate Form
Building Sustainability Index (BASIX)